Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mailing address

Completely forgot to post this in the last entry. While I created the blog to keep my family and friends back home updated about my life in Paraguay, I'm not entirely sure what my living situation will be or how often I will have internet access. As a result, the easiest and most efficient way to stay in contact will be good old fashioned snail mail! It might be good to number your letters to me, just so we can keep track of the letters in case one doesn't arrive (an estimated 80% of letters between the US and Paraguay arrive, which is very good for a developing country!) Also, airmail usually takes about 2-3 weeks, whereas surface mail can take months. My address during my first 3 months is:

Carden Ryder, PCT
Cuerpo de Paz
162 Chaco Boreal c/Mcal. López
Asunción 1580, Paraguay
South America

Just FYI - PCT stands for Peace Corps Trainee. This address is valid my
first 3 months (while I'm a trainee). Once I get my site, I will update the
address again. Once I'm sworn in as a volunteer, I become a PCV (Peace
Corps Volunteer).

For those of you who don't know much about Paraguay, I found a video on a
current PCV's blog. This shows a lot about the lifestyle in Paraguay.

Enjoy and please keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Carden! I didn't know you were doing this! I was actually just talking with a PC recruiter yesterday because it's something that I've always considered too. Ideally I'd actually like to do a year teaching in France next year but PC is very much on my radar for afterward. Good luck with everything. I'm really looking forward to following your experience =)
